Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

HowTo: Setup SSIS via TeamCity – fixing problems

Some time ago I have shown how to configure automatic build of SSIS projects (SQL Server Integration Services). Unfortunately they require full version of Visual Studio installed on a build machine as it’s an overwhelming plugin (not only a toolset), what potentially could hit me back. And well, of course it failed and hit me after 30 days! Turned out Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition expired and was refusing to cooperate more, producing this nice error log: Read more →

HowTo: Azure ApplicationInsights into my WCF server

Here I would like to present a small recipe, that will let you enable monitoring of WCF server-side calls with Microsoft’s ApplicationInsights service. It might help you in analytics of: what services are used mosts what hours users are active what are the response times what is called far too often and needs optimization and probably most important thing - what crashed, why, when with the callstack! It’s pretty straightforward and I split it into two parts. Read more →

Remove Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without ISO-DVD

And also preserving the machine’s role in the company! Recently I discovered that on my build server resides Visual Studio 2010 with SP1. It occupies tremendous amount of space and at the first glance it was totally unnecessary to be there at all. So I had this brilliant though and immediately went to Control Panel and hit Uninstall. Which of course failed miserably after 20 minutes of processing. Then destroyed the hard drive even more with finalization that rolled back the whole procedure… Read more →

libcurl via Visual Studio 2017

I really like development in Visual Studio even if I have a feature to implement for other platforms. And anytime I can I try to continue this experience. Period. This time I had a pleasure to wrap several HTTPS calls using libcurl. But how to make it run on my x64 Windows machine? There is some info on, what can be moved to VS2017 in following steps: Start VS2017 console: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14. Read more →

Change encoding of a string

Lastly I have shown how to enforce encoding of strings in DBF table by setting up code-page inside its header. I also mentioned it was the easiest way. That’s still true. But sometimes there is no room to be polite and things need to be done little messy in the code (for example when the DBF file is often recreated by 3rd-party tool an can be altered in any way). So each time the string value is loaded try to recover it with those steps. Read more →

Quoted boundary is sometimes not acceptable

In my recent post I have shown, how to track web requests issued against remote server I don’t have a control over. Curious reader could ask at this point – but what have I broken this time? And the answer is as usual – personally did nothing wrong, I was just doing my job. I had to port some HTTP related code from using Windows Runtime-specific HttpClient (i.e. Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient) to also work outside the sandbox on a regular . Read more →

Tracing a HTTP request on mobile

Usually it’s not a big deal, when a HTTP request to a remote server is not working on a desktop Windows machine. There are plenty of useful tools, that could help in the process: one, which work like a proxy and dump the whole traffic, that we might be interested in (Fiddler would be the best example here) others, that interact with the TCP/IP stack itself and look much deeper for sent packets (like WireShark or Microsoft Message Analyzer - unfortunately retired as of 2020-01-20). Read more →

Converged Visual Studio platform

With the recent announcement of Visual Studio 2015 RC you, as a developer, are now able to write applications targeting iOS, Android and of course all kinds of Windows platforms, web and cloud. I am also pretty solid, you will be happy to hear, you can make your applications run on BlackBerry devices (including PlayBook!) as well. I just recently updated integration of the BlackBerry Native Development plugin with latest version of Visual Studio, so you can stick to your favorite IDE and continue coding without lowering your productivity. Read more →

Qt-4.8 compilation for PlayBook

Although the PlayBook tablet was totally abandoned by BlackBerry long time ago and there are other problems around the company I still wish them well. That’s why I continuously support the BlackBerry Native Development plugin for Visual Studio. Recent additions were about Visual Studio 2015 RC and most notably PlayBook and Qt-4.8.3 support. I hope it will inspire you and myself to write some applications on it. Thankfully lack of support from BlackBerry is the best thing they could do to PlayBook. Read more →

Got BlackBerry Passport!

I wish to say many thanks to Lou Gazzola and Dave Burgess for their help in making the Visual Studio plugin for BlackBerry named Gold 3.0 to be completed and released publicly. There was a dedicated interview with me, published on BlackBerry Dev Blog, which can be found here, which makes me proud a lot. Also I am really grateful for granting me the latest BlackBerry Passport mobile and inspire for further plugin and own apps development. Read more →