Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

GiT Cheat Sheet – Split my repository

Internet is full of tutorials about git usage, so here is mine too. But instead of showing basic, I wish to present the solution for an advanced problem, that I personally fight from time to time. I hope this could be valid and could also save your day! The Problem. My project’s repository became so big I noticed some components that could be turned into a separate libraries and used elsewhere either. Read more →

Missing mktemp for gitolite on Synology

I use gitolite to remotely manage my repositorites inside own cloud on Synology DS411 DiskStation. Hardware is maybe a bit old, but still gets new software updates. And of course from time to time, those updates break my configuration. Mostly because my symlinks are removed and $PATH gets reset to predefined folders. Simplest fix to restore gitolite is to symlink mktemp into known location. Login as administrator and type: ln -s /opt/bin/mktemp /sbin/mktemp New repository creation should work fine now. Read more →

Sending Ctrl-C signal to another application on Windows

I have a few command-line applications running on Windows. I haven’t written them myself, they are just ports of some Linux/Unix utilities. And there are situations, when I simply want them to stop or to pay more attention to me. Sure, I could make them to exit using TerminateProcess from my manager application, but this seems to be quite rude, even in the IT world. Much cleaner and nicer way would be to send them a polite notification, that would wake them up, allow release used resources (as some communicate with remote servers) and handle the exit themselves. Read more →

Konsola dla emulatora Windows Phone OS

Jeśli zajmujesz się na poważnie pisaniem aplikacji na Windows Phone i często korzystasz z emulatora, to jest jedna opcja, która może ci pomóc w debugowaniu. Otóż emulator wyświetla logi na konsoli! Tak, korzysta ze standardowej konsoli w Windows. Domyślnie jest ona niestety ukryta. Brakuje menu, aby ją pokazać, zatem pozostaje tylko ustawienie magicznej wartości w rejestrze: na maszynie 32-bitowej: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\XDE] "EnableConsole"=dword:00000001 na maszynie 64-bitowej: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\XDE] "EnableConsole"=dword:00000001 Miłego podglądania! Read more →