Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

MacBook Pro Late 2011 new charger

That’s right, it’s late 2020 and my kids inherited and are very happy to still use this little gem - MacBook Pro from 2011. This equipment has it’s own history as I did upgraded it several times during its lifetime by installing Windows 10 on it, placing more RAM, fixing keyboard issues and even inserting 2nd SSD (instead of the optical DVD drive). But as times fly, there are materials that didn’t age nicely. Read more →

Fix keyboard in Windows 10 on MacBook Pro (Early 2011)

Due to corona-virus pandemic my kids stayed at home and started distance learning. I was already practicing remote work from longer period and their appearance came as unfunny disturbance. They started occupying my critical devices each morning just to check if something new to do was assigned to them by teachers. I really found this video matching my situation. Then they were playing with some on-line courses… Instead of going and buying some used or post-leasing equipment (as suggested here) I came out with an idea of letting my kids play and do their homeworks on an old MacBook Pro 13’’ from 2011. Read more →

Customized ZSH prompt with Git info

Probably first thing you noticed after installing macOS Catalina is that the default shell changed from bash to zsh. I decided to give it a try. Although there is an easy way to revert it back to bash (as its package is still part of the OS distribution) by invoking following command in terminal: chsh -s /bin/bash My hope was, maybe this small update will inevitably influence my usage comfort, performance and maybe, maybe improve my daily routines (as I spend most of the day working in command-line mode). Read more →

Laptop for a developer (2017)

It’s been quite a while since I upgraded my machine for daily development. Till four months ago I was still using my 2011’ MacBook Pro with some additional upgrades done down the line (described them here and here). Nevertheless it was more often seen it became older and older and somehow the speed and work comfort was insufficient anymore. Once decision was made, for the first time in my life I wanted to buy my next laptop wisely. Read more →

Extending MacBook memory over the limit

Even though my 13-inch MacBook Pro (early-2011) seems to be pretty old I still like to work on it. Unfortunately running Windows 10 and two instances of Visual Studio 2015 kills it slowly. Mostly because of lack of memory and continuous usage of the swap file. And totally by accident I found out that Apple cheated users in this spec of an equipment saying it can support only up to 8GB of RAM. Read more →

Windows 10 on Early 2011 MacBook Pro

Yes, that’s correct. It’s possible to install and have perfectly running copy of Windows 10 on this extremely old early-2011 MacBook Pro, even though Apple latest BootCamp 6 doesn’t officially support this hardware. ⚠️ [Update 2017-05-08]: Additionally I was able to extend its memory to 16GB and replace the internal drive with Samsung SSD 860 Evo to give it maximum performance. Was it easy? YES! and NO! (explained in Long Story below) Read more →

UEFI boot-manager - zmiana nazwy

Podczas pracy nad konfiguracją dual-boota na MacBooku Pro, boot-manager zupełnie zgłupiał i obok opcji “Windows” zaczął jakąś wymyślną nazwą opisywać uruchamianie OS X Maverics. Na szczęście istnieje to oto wymyślne polecenie, które potrafi pobłogosławić boot-managera i kazać mu z powrotem użyć nazwy dysku twardego, na którym zainstalowany jest MacOS: sudo bless --folder /System/Library/CoreServices –bootefi Oczywiście uruchamiany to polecenie w terminalu Maverics’a. Read more →

Mac OS X – Przydatne skróty

Magiczny system Mac OS X zawsze wie lepiej, co chce zrobić użyszkodnik. Aby jednak wiedział lepiej możemy go poinstruować takimi oto skrótami: Operacja Skrót rozruch z płyty CD/DVD C rozruch z dysku twardego D pokazanie dostępnych źródeł do bootowania OPT uruchom z określonego dysku SCSI ID=# CMD-OPT-SHIFT-DELETE-# uruchom z serwera sieciowego N bezwarunkowy restart CTRL-CMD-POWER bezwarunkowe zamknięcie systemu CTRL-CMD-OPT-POWER zamknięcie aktywnej aplikacji CMD+Q przełączanie aplikacji CMD+TAB przełączanie okienek w ramach aktywnej aplikacji CMD+~ Read more →

Mac OS X – Pokaż kotku, co kryjesz w środku

Próżno szukać opcji w ustawieniach, aby pokazać wszystkie ukryte pliki i foldery. Niestety takowa nie istnieje. Aby ukazać to, czego zazwyczaj “standardowy” użytkownik nie chce oglądać należy w oknie terminala wpisać: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder I po sprawie. Oczywiście, dla cofnięcia zmian TRUE wystarczy zamienić na FALSE. Read more →