Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

HowTo: Preview Mobile Screen on Desktop

While doing mobile development there is always a need to present or capture your screen (for bug description) with an application actively running on the screen. Here are my tips and apps I use often that help me to achive that goal for both platforms. I hope you will also find them useful. iOS While using iOS devices, both features are already build into the system. To present mobile screen on desktop: Read more →

HowTo: Add CocoaPods private ZIP file as dependency

As an iOS developer you often hear about dependencies management. Looking into this subject deeper quickly leads towards CocoaPods and Carthage as two very popular solutions, yet build with totally different mindsets and assumptions. First one is a centralized solution, with full list of existing potential dependencies, while the latter one simply downloads the GitHub repo locally and builds it or only references the prepared binaries. And even if I like and used Carthage in my previous projects, I had to put it on hold for some time, because of its lack of support of XCFrameworks and in general the Xcode 12 style of development. Read more →

HowTo: Get currently active version of Xcode

Sometimes knowing the current version of Xcode used to build the stuff from command line becomes a useful intel. Here is the recipe on how to obtain this information in a clean manner. Easiest command would be to call: $ xcodebuild -version That produces output like: Xcode 12.5 Build version 12E262 As an improvement I could use sed to simply extract the number from a line with the Xcode prefix: Read more →

HowTo: Select running iOS simulator while automating testing

One thing was always a dilemma for me - running iOS automated unit-test from a command line. On the first look the command looks simple, it’s just a call to xcodebuild with a bunch of parameters. What can go wrong there, right? $ xcodebuild -resultBundlePath "$test_results_path" -workspace "$workspace_path" -scheme "$scheme_name" -sdk "$sdk_version" -destination '$destination' -testPlan "$plan_name" -only-testing:'$single_test_path' test Where: test_results_path - describes the path, where to store test outcomes (.xcresult bundle). Read more →

HowTo: Find and mark all FIXME / TODO in Xcode project

This time it won’t be a guide I came up myself from scratch. Recently I joined a totally new Swift project and wanted to quickly understand, what it does. Then I had an idea of navigating and finding issues, that were left there by my fellow previous developers. Those specially marked lines are usually left there and aren’t meant to be brought to light. Mentally they can be ignored for years by their creators. Read more →

Flutter for iOS and Push Notifications warning

After publishing a Flutter app to App Store I received following email: Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "" 1.2.3 (4). Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery: ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. Read more →