Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

HowTo: Get currently active version of Xcode

Sometimes knowing the current version of Xcode used to build the stuff from command line becomes a useful intel. Here is the recipe on how to obtain this information in a clean manner. Easiest command would be to call: $ xcodebuild -version That produces output like: Xcode 12.5 Build version 12E262 As an improvement I could use sed to simply extract the number from a line with the Xcode prefix: Read more →

HowTo: Select running iOS simulator while automating testing

One thing was always a dilemma for me - running iOS automated unit-test from a command line. On the first look the command looks simple, it’s just a call to xcodebuild with a bunch of parameters. What can go wrong there, right? $ xcodebuild -resultBundlePath "$test_results_path" -workspace "$workspace_path" -scheme "$scheme_name" -sdk "$sdk_version" -destination '$destination' -testPlan "$plan_name" -only-testing:'$single_test_path' test Where: test_results_path - describes the path, where to store test outcomes (.xcresult bundle). Read more →

HowTo: Find and mark all FIXME / TODO in Xcode project

This time it won’t be a guide I came up myself from scratch. Recently I joined a totally new Swift project and wanted to quickly understand, what it does. Then I had an idea of navigating and finding issues, that were left there by my fellow previous developers. Those specially marked lines are usually left there and aren’t meant to be brought to light. Mentally they can be ignored for years by their creators. Read more →

HowTo: Remove GiT remote branch

Things has been simplified over time and my old guide about Git Commands has been improved a bit. At least in the context of removing remote branches. Now, it’s as easy as passing --delete parameter along with pushing changes to the server. git push origin --delete <remote_branch_name> Response will look like following: To - [deleted] <remote_branch_name> What is even more beautiful in this syntax is that it also works for remote tags! Read more →

HowTo: Enable Android Developer Options on Philips TV

Finally, at some point in application development cycle there is a need to test it on a big screen. Four months ago we started playing with Philips 55PUS7502/12. Big enough to see all the details. So how to get started? Press Settings on the remote and navigate to Settings > All settings > Android Settings. Open System Information. Click 7 times on Compilation version. This should enable “Developer Options”. We just crossed half of the way. Read more →

OpenCV 3.4.9 for Android with a little bits of native C++ code

Another task on the horizon: integrate OpenCV 3.4.9 into an Android application written in Kotlin. Additional requirement complicated this task a bit. Let’s also try to have some C++ code around, that is shared with other platforms and that interacts and configures OpenCV video processing. Of course nobody expects any rough edges nor problems, right… One might think it’s a typical scenario and lots of mobile apps use OpenCV this way. Read more →

HowTo: migrate PostgreSQL 9.6 to 11.5

Recently I have created a post on how to upgrade OS on Raspberry Pi. It worked pretty well until I figured out there is something wired with my PostgreSQL installation. And it turned out I ended up with two instances installed one next to the other. So I had the 9.6 version running with my existing databases and as well a cluster for version 11.5. Let me try then to rephrase the other guide, I found here, explaining, how to upgrade PostgreSQL to latest and migrate the databases. Read more →

HowTo: OS upgrade on Raspberry Pi 4

The process of system upgrade is very easy and was already described here. This is a really great guide. I just want to add few comments, that affected my installation. The main actions to perform to install latest version of Raspbian are: Go to and check the latest OS codename. Verify, if this version is not already installed on the Raspberry using cat /etc/os-release command. $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9 (stretch)" VERSION_CODENAME=stretch ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www. Read more →

HowTo: Enable video 4k@60Hz on Raspberry Pi 4

Here I wish to present a quick guide, how to enable 4k video output on Raspberry Pi 4 with 60Hz refresh rate. It’s not hard at all. It just requires to know some facts before, to avoid unnecessary frustration. Let me briefly summarize it: 4k@60Hz is disabled by default on Raspberry Pi 4 (due to a fact of increased memory consumption and device temperature - check docs - that is not needed by most of Pi users). Read more →

Convert Miniblog to Hugo

For a very long time I was using the MiniBlog as a backend solution for my blogs. I liked its speed and the minimalistic style. But one thing that drove me crazy was the need of having Live Writer aka Open Live Writer installed to write a simplest post. 5 years ago this tool looked amazing. Although time has passed quickly, and meanwhile OLW seemed to be also abandoned by Microsoft. Read more →