Coding with Titans

so breaking things happens constantly, but never on purpose

HowTo: Split web.config file

Among all the features of ASP.NET framework, there is one I love the most: moving parts of the configuration (i.e. Web.config) into separate files! It’s just it, a little something, that makes life so much easier by: less effort while working with GiT (conflicts are subtle and with better context, changing braches mostly let you move also your local changes, or reset parts of it) quicker navigation, as they are files with my custom naming convention (via R# hit Ctrl+T and start typing the name using only first uppercase letters of the file to open it) custom sections can also be put in an another file. Read more →

HowTo: Custom fields in ApplicationInsights

Recently, I have shown, how to enable Application Insights within own WCF server application (look here). It might similarly work in other kinds of apps, so we won’t bother with further demystification of this procedure. But as you might suspect (or already stepped on), you will quickly require more metadata transmitted than it is done by default. My scenario is pretty simple. The WCF server is installed multiple times, in multiple physical locations across the whole country. Read more →

HowTo: Azure ApplicationInsights into my WCF server

Here I would like to present a small recipe, that will let you enable monitoring of WCF server-side calls with Microsoft’s ApplicationInsights service. It might help you in analytics of: what services are used mosts what hours users are active what are the response times what is called far too often and needs optimization and probably most important thing - what crashed, why, when with the callstack! It’s pretty straightforward and I split it into two parts. Read more →

TeamCity – advanced application version patcher

I am a really big fan of JetBrain’s TeamCity product. I use it a lot at work and also for my hobby projects. But unfortunately I found it lacks one important, yet very basic feature – proper (and easy) application version management. Someone might say, that this is not totally true, there is a build-in AssemblyInfo Patcher. Yes, OK, although this one is extremely limited and can mostly be used for very simple projects, created by Visual Studio New Project Wizard and never modified. Read more →

Change encoding of a string

Lastly I have shown how to enforce encoding of strings in DBF table by setting up code-page inside its header. I also mentioned it was the easiest way. That’s still true. But sometimes there is no room to be polite and things need to be done little messy in the code (for example when the DBF file is often recreated by 3rd-party tool an can be altered in any way). So each time the string value is loaded try to recover it with those steps. Read more →

DBF and language code-page

Recently I had a problem importing data from a 10-years-old set of DBF tables. All was fine until it came to reading texts with polish diacritic marks. It worked fine on 9 out of 10 machines, all with identical configurations (or at least I had hoped they are identical and couldn’t find any differences - Windows 7 x64 PL, .NET 4.5.2, the same regional options). On that single one all special letters got converted into some eye-hurting characters and looked purely wrong. Read more →

Quoted boundary is sometimes not acceptable

In my recent post I have shown, how to track web requests issued against remote server I don’t have a control over. Curious reader could ask at this point – but what have I broken this time? And the answer is as usual – personally did nothing wrong, I was just doing my job. I had to port some HTTP related code from using Windows Runtime-specific HttpClient (i.e. Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient) to also work outside the sandbox on a regular . Read more →

Tracing a HTTP request on mobile

Usually it’s not a big deal, when a HTTP request to a remote server is not working on a desktop Windows machine. There are plenty of useful tools, that could help in the process: one, which work like a proxy and dump the whole traffic, that we might be interested in (Fiddler would be the best example here) others, that interact with the TCP/IP stack itself and look much deeper for sent packets (like WireShark or Microsoft Message Analyzer - unfortunately retired as of 2020-01-20). Read more →

Sending Ctrl-C signal to another application on Windows

I have a few command-line applications running on Windows. I haven’t written them myself, they are just ports of some Linux/Unix utilities. And there are situations, when I simply want them to stop or to pay more attention to me. Sure, I could make them to exit using TerminateProcess from my manager application, but this seems to be quite rude, even in the IT world. Much cleaner and nicer way would be to send them a polite notification, that would wake them up, allow release used resources (as some communicate with remote servers) and handle the exit themselves. Read more →

Mono 3.2.7 HardFloat na Raspberry Pi

W końcu, po tylu latach czekania udało się! Gratulacje dla firmy Xamarin, wreszcie mamy Mono w wersji hardfloat na swoje Raspberry Pi. Jak skompilować i zainstalować tę wersję można poczytać tutaj lub tutaj. Trochę czasu to trwa, trzeba być naprawdę cierpliwym (niemal cały dzień, jeśli robimy to na urządzeniu). Niestety sama kompilacja wymaga też zainstalowania poprzedniej wersji Mono, która hardfloat nie była. Kończymy więc z dwoma wersjami działającymi jednocześnie (stara v2. Read more →