Recently I moved away from external NuGet repositories to the one available internally via my Gitea server. Own hosting has always this extra advantage that the space and build-minutes are unlimited. So why not to try this path. Setup was build-in with last release, publishing is similarly easy. Yet I had a small issue, when porting companion TeamCity dependant builds. Suddenly it couldn’t access the NuGet source via System account used on Windows as user running the .
Read more →Yet again, during my engineering journey to the future I was hit by a practical problem. When I tried to build and host a docker image on a small and slow volume (precisely on an old Raspberry 3 that still boots from SD-card), I ended up very disappointed with the final experience. And even though this device seems to be a bit outdated, it’s still ideal for small hobby project with simple API served via FastAPI, Python and PostgreSQL.
Read more →While doing mobile development there is always a need to present or capture your screen (for bug description) with an application actively running on the screen. Here are my tips and apps I use often that help me to achive that goal for both platforms. I hope you will also find them useful.
iOS While using iOS devices, both features are already build into the system.
To present mobile screen on desktop:
Read more →One of the useful scripts I use to regularly check the temperature on my Raspberry Pi farm is following:
#!/bin/bash cpu=$(</sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) echo "$(date) @ $(hostname)" echo "---------------------------------------" echo "CPU => $((cpu / 1000))'C" echo "GPU => $(vcgencmd measure_temp | cut -d'=' -f 2)" It will print the current temperature values of the CPU and GPU separately.
Read more →Yet we meet again here. If you landed on this page it means you are also hit by a problem with remote login into recently upgraded Raspberry Pi. Isn’t the RaspberryOS bullseye running as smooth as the previous version? Somehow the device doesn’t appear on the local network at all. How is that even possible? And the second yes, you really have to take it from top of the wardrobe or from other silent place in home, where it did a hard job as a headless server and plug it into the monitor and keyboard.
Read more →Originally I wanted to replace my very old Synology NAS (from 2011 with 4 HDD drives) with something newer. Then after listing, why I would need it in the first place - I realized I could immediatelly unplug the power out of it, if only I have had transferred a single service out of it - folder synchronization. This is the way I easily move my docs between macOS, PC and mobile and somehow I never trusted free services like OneDrive, Google Drive nor DropBox to do this job.
Read more →Really strange things are happening to me recently. And not that long ago I have described, how my old Tajfun PC has ended its service and stopped turning on one day with some agony and warnings. Today I wish to note a fact, that totally unexpectedly my nVidia GTX 780 that was used in the restored machine ended its service and joined the original setup. My kids, who used to play Minecraft there stay in deep grief.
Read more →Once I started playing with Docker on Windows it quickly turned out that latest version heavily rely on WSL 2, in comparison to an older Hyper-V based approach. One thing that changed significantly during this technology transition was lack of a setting screen to actually define the location (and other params), where the containers and downloaded images should be stored. As the space they occupy grows really fast and default is not always the best place for it!
Read more →As an iOS developer you often hear about dependencies management. Looking into this subject deeper quickly leads towards CocoaPods and Carthage as two very popular solutions, yet build with totally different mindsets and assumptions. First one is a centralized solution, with full list of existing potential dependencies, while the latter one simply downloads the GitHub repo locally and builds it or only references the prepared binaries.
And even if I like and used Carthage in my previous projects, I had to put it on hold for some time, because of its lack of support of XCFrameworks and in general the Xcode 12 style of development.
Read more →It bothered me for a very long time since I fixed my PC - why is StarCraft 2 so slow on Gainward GTX570? I remembered this card to be kinda good. And my suspicious about something being wrong with my setup escalated quickly when I found an older Gainward GTX275, which was performing astonishingly better than the current one. Yes - smooth Medium with 30fps is still far better than Very Low and 12-15fps.
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